6-6:30 PM on Thursday October 25, 2018
Conference Call Recording
Conference Call Instructions
You can either call in using a phone number or download the Fuze App on your phone and join using a link.
Join from your computer or mobile: https://fuze.me/38299152
Standard Dial-In:
- Call +1 201-479-4595 (toll)
- Enter the meeting ID 38299152 followed by the #
Message from Director
Good afternoon Thespian parents,
As you know, the kids and I are well into the competition season and are preparing to showcase our hard work in less than a month on November 10th. As it was such a whirlwind for me getting starting with this being my first year at BRCMS and starting the Troupe from scratch, many of you are still very confused on what the competitions will entail, what the fees were, and more details about competition in general. Now that the registration window has closed, and we are fully signed up and ready to roll, I’d love to talk to each of you and address your concerns. This is why I will be holding a phone meeting next Thursday October 25th from 6:00pm-6:30pm. I know that each and every one of you has a busy life, and so do I, so I figured having a phone meeting would be the best option for everybody.
I will do a brief introduction and I will talk you all through exactly what will be going on in Thespians for the next few months. I will address all of your questions and concerns as well. To confirm that you will be participating and would like to be added to the phone meeting, please email me your name and the phone number you would like to be called at to lauren.nolan@palmbeachschools.org
Topics will include:
- Thespian District Competition Drop off and Pick Up!
- States Discussion!
- What those fees were!
- Anything else you would like to talk about!
Have a Great day!
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